Monthly Archives: November 2018

Paragraph Unit 15,16,17

Melanie Elizarraras

Mr. Samaniego


17 September 2018

Words used: Fervent, rationale, exclamatory, dispute and rationalize

Drugged and Left

A divorced wife named Amelia has been dating her boyfriend, Alex for one year. She is fervent for finally having the chance to marry him. The rationale behind their marriage was because they were thinking of having kids of their own. It was brought up with exclamatory from Amelia that she wanted to have kids. At first, Alex disputed with Amelia’s decision but they both rationalized and came to a conclusion that they would get married and then have kids.

Frankenstein Paper

Fortnite on the PC is fun. “Building and shooting is easy.” I thought. Then, everything shuts off. My computer and lights flicker out. “The power must be out.” I say.

So the thing I would be doing is yelling because there was no one in my house. I panicked and ran around my house. I reached for my phone so I could call my my Mom but there no no service since the power cut off. Moments later, I get an unknown call.

When I got this unknown call, I answered it. When I answered there was little kids playing in the background and all of the sudden there is someone with a deep voice saying “Im going to kill you.” The phone shuts off  and then the lights start to flicker and my toys start making weird noises. I was really scared.

I didn’t know what to do besides panic. Then my front door opened. Something came in but I didn’t know what it was. Out of nowhere, I felt a hand on my neck *Crack!*


Melanie Elizarraras

Mr. Samaniego


09 October 2018



  1. That’s not your worst shirt you’ve worn.
  2. It’s not the best weather we’ve ever had.
  3. The trip wasn’t a total loss.
  4. My friend doesn’t always have the best brain.
  5. My shoes aren’t the worst of them all.

My Cousin Sketch Book

Jennifer Sok

Mr. Samaniego  

English Period 4

22 October  2018

Words used: Discomfit, Feasible, Magnum Opus, Belabor, Elaborate

Unit 1


When I was a 2nd grader, I perform a dance with the class  discomfit and they were confused what I was doing. My friend from 2nd grade was feasible due to her outstanding in class. My cousin has an magnum opus art from her sketchbook that she was drawing the past 2 years. My cousin was belabor discuss a lot of detail about her sketch and drawings, But it was fine because we were just talking about drawings. My cousin elaborate explain more steps how to draw better.  



Frankenstein Paper

Melanie Elizarraras

Mr. Samaniego

English P.4

01 November 2018

Frankenstein Paper

Scary Woods

Two girls start wandering around in the woods. They heard sounds and creaks that surrounded them. They look around and ask “Is there someone there?” but no one seems to answer. Until they heard the unsettling sounds again. The two girls become very paranoid in the pitch black dark, Jocelyn started screaming her head off  “Someone please help!” Daniela became aware that no one could hear them. They didn’t know what to do besides run. They ran deeper into the dark and creepy woods scared out of their minds. The more they ran, the louder and closer the sound got. They decided to hide behind a tree as if that would help. They looked at each other in freight. And then the sound was next to them. They were scared to the point they couldn’t scream. Then a cold hand grabbed Jocelyn by the neck and dragged her further into the woods. Daniela said screw this and started running. She kept running and running until she ran out of breath. She then realized she had her phone. She tried to call the police but… no service. So they had one thing left to do, run for their lives.

Gun Essay

Ashley Yang

Mr. Samaniego

Per. 4 English

18 September 2018

Gun Essay

There has recently been talks about whether or not teachers should be armed with guns inside classrooms. On February 14, 2018, there was a shooting that occured in Florida. There were at least 17 dead. Another shooting occurred on May 18, 2018 in Texas. About 10 deaths. This situation had many wonder whether people should have the rights to own guns. Overall, teachers should not be able to handle a gun in the classroom to make students feel safer.

As a matter of fact, I believe that teachers should not be armed when inside the classrooms. Students may find a way in occupying the weapon. Many things may go wrong when the teacher is not looking or is outside of the classroom.

Additionally, some teachers may have some issues. Including, anger issues, bipolar disorder, and more. There can be some cases where the teacher can pull out the gun when being talked back to or when mad.

Moreover, the weapon can be a threat whenever something goes wrong. I don’t believe the weapon can help students feel comfortable and safe.

Firstly, teachers already have so much power. Giving them a weapon, they can do whatever they want with their students. Teachers are the leader of the class. Everyone says to listen to teachers, always. Teachers can use that against their students.

Secondly, teachers should radically be trained to handle a gun and know what to do. Instead of emptily being handed one with no experience.

Overall, in my opinion, I disagree that teachers should be able to handle a gun in the classroom to make students feel safer.


Gun Control essay draft

Melanie Elizarraras

Mr. Samaniego

Period 4 English

18 September 2018

Gun Control

I would watch the news and see school shootings happening and as a student, I fear and imagine what if that was me in a school shooting. That can happen any day, and I shouldn’t have to worry about that. There has been controversies and arguments whether or not teachers should have guns in their classrooms. A lot of students do not feel safe in their own school and classrooms because of past school shootings.  Therefore, it is best for teachers to be armed.

Although, knowing teachers that carry guns can be quite scary, but it can be used for safety. Being safe is top priority for teachers and their students. It is best for teachers at schools to carry guns. Having teachers carry guns is reasonable because they can be prepared for an emergency. If there are people who come armed to school, the teachers should be armed too.

However, If teachers are going to have guns in their classroom, they have to know how to use it, and they have to have a gun license. They have to have special training on when to use the gun at the right time and in the right situation. They also have to keep it in the right place, where no one can get it. They have to keep it in a safe container that needs the fingerprint of the teacher to unlock it to be able to receive the gun.

Also, teachers will need to be safe with guns and will need to take care of them. I believe that students will feel a little bit safer with teachers with guns. Students will understand the procedures with the guns in case of an emergency. In the past with school shootings, there has been students, teachers, more than I could count that have died or have gotten injured. People get badly injured or even die most likely because their teachers aren’t armed.

In conclusion, teachers should carry guns with them in their classroom. Students should be and feel safe in their school and classes. Teachers should not have to worry about getting injured in an emergency and neither do the students. Schools should already be safe enough but in a situation, the school would be safer if teachers carry guns.

Frankenstein Paper

Ashley Yang

Mr. Samaniego

ELA Period 4

1 November 2018

Frankenstein Paper

Frankenstein Paper

Have you ever heard about, if you see your doppelganger, and make eye contact, one of you have to die? Well, I think I just saw mine. But, obviously, we didn’t make eye contact. I’ve always wondered if there was another dimension. And after this, I knew it was true.

I was scared so I tired to avoid making eye contact. Right when I turned to give a last glance at her, she was already staring at me. We both made eye contact and looked at each other for a while. We started screaming so we ran opposite ways. As days passed I kept experiencing weird things. For example, I started having sleep paralysis every night. I think I almost experienced a time where I almost died.

After a week I ran back into her. But this time we both were not freaked out. We knew there can only be one Ashley, so we fought. The math went on for hours.

Then when I finally got her to the ground, she gave the most eerie smile, “This was a test, and you failed.” I opened my eyes.

I was in a mental hospital.


Antithesis ~ Q’shawn

Q’shawn Thwreatt

Mr. Samaniego

Adv. English P.3

9 October 2018




  • The villain lives by his wits, not by his labor.


  1. Poets writes not from their mind, but from their hearts.
  2. It’s not what you said, it’s how you said it.
  3. I didn’t leave with hope, I left with hatred.
  4. Speech is silver, but silence is gold.
  5. I choose you for love, not for lust.

Killing Me Softly

It’s your eyes that kill me

Your eyes that rip me to shreds telling me I’ll never be enough

One glance and I crumble into a million pieces

begging for your forgiveness

That look I get when I stare at you for too long feels like I’m tied up

and I’m searching through your eyes for any signs of forgiveness

but not finding any


It’s your mouth

Your mouth that could talk up a storm

but that’s not fair because every sound feels almost as if I’m a bubble

floating through the air waiting to explode

Your mouth is a knife

Every word is a stab

Every question is a wound

Every sentence is slice, cutting me open, prepping me for torture


Now everyone knows that you’ve been killing me softly

You’re not just sticking the knife in, you’re twisting it… savoring the moment

opening up a hole even time won’t be able to fix

Actually, it’s not your eyes, your mouth or you hands

It’s you

You are the reason I cry myself to sleep

You are the reason I feel empty

You are the reason I feel my blood drip to the bathroom floor

Your existence is the reason I got depression

Depression is a bottomless pit

Never ending pain

Never ending struggles

There is no light

There is no escape

I’m falling off a cliff and I know you’re the one who pushed me

but I’ll promise you this

I’m not going to ever let you mind control me

I’m not going to ever feel weak again because I’ve changed

I didn’t change for you, my friends, my family

I’ve changed for myself

I’m going to climb right back up that cliff

Stronger than ever


  1. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
  2. Basketball is filled with pleasure, and discomfort, brimful of entertainment, and suffering.
  3. Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.
  4. It’s never too soon, it’s never too late.
  5. Love is perfect, Marriage is fake.